Karen Wynne Mackay

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A little bit about Mark making and Art making…

Mark making is a very large part of my art making.

Calligraphy, writing and drawing have allowed my hands to learn to move in a myriad of ways and because of that I can now not only see the mark but feel each mark as it is created. As you know, the mark itself is energy - but what does that mean? It is the movement of your hand, pressure, tool, the mark makers emotion at the time of the mark, knowing what will happen with a tool and not knowing too…

Mark making is something we have been doing from the very beginning of time, drawing in caves, marks on paths or sand and in the design of alphabets, just to name a few. I am enthralled with how marks can communicate. They are full of energy- our own individual energy:)

As we begin to find our own distinct mark making practice we either stay the course and allow it to lead us onto new paths that are long and full of learning curves, teaching us each step of the way, or some of us keep the same rhythm and expand in other ways with colour and variation of sizes of similar marks and more…

Mark making for me is a journey that will be ongoing until the very end. It is a part of my story.

For some artists mark making can be a little too “out there” I have had the privilege of helping some of them to experiment and find that marks can be diverse in infinite individual ways. Some have ended up adding the marks to their practice either by broadening their sketches and in hidden layers or embellishing parts of the finished piece.

I love teaching mark making and watching the wonder, amusement and finally joy at the completion of a piece.

At the moment a plan to teach with a fellow artist is in the works! News will follow soon. Check my workshop page or get in touch anytime. As we wait for the okay as to when we can learn together - take some time and make some marks-enjoy the process. A little ink and water is all you need. Make the marks smaller, larger, thinner and thicker. Use that kitchen gadget you bought years ago and now sits in your drawer unused- is that a swizzle stick or kebob holder or ... who knows what will happen? and let me know what you liked about your marks and which gadget you chose -more than one? Have fun!

Any questions? Feel free to leave comments below or send me an email, I’d love to hear from you.

Until next month,

Karen xo